Welcome to The Northglenn Project

Hello, welcome to The Northglenn Project! If you have followed or known me for any amount of time then you probably known this is something I have been passionate about and working on for awhile now.

Northglenn Colorado holds a special place in my heart. It is the town I spent much of my childhood in and now own a house and am raising my own family. It is a small suburb of Denver that most people drive through and never even notice.

Northglenn has a rich history including central planning with grand ideas about the community of the future, a movement torwards small but well-built houses for the everyman, and a beautiful modern neighborhood that failed completely leaving only rememnants of what it could have been. I plan to explore all of these in the coming years as I work on this project. 

I have been sporadically taking photos for this collection over the last 7 years but this year (2022) I really started to put a focus onto making it a reality. “Capturing Northglenn” was too big of a project to really wrap my head around so I decided to break it up into sections and categories to make it easier to accomplish. I decided 2022 would be spent trying to capture the commercial and government buildings from early in Northglenn’s history and I decided I would try to do this in an aesthetically pretty way using nice golden hour or blue hour light whenever I could.

I am really happy with these images and it feels great to be making real progress on the project. As I add images to this collection you can see them here, I also plan to produce a zine of these pictures when this portion of the project is completed.

Here is a list of some of the other categories I plan on pursuing once this portion is completed:

  • Portraits of original/long-term residents

  • Deza Estates

  • Pearlmac houses

  • The churches of Northglenn

This is an ongoing, evolving, and long-term project but I am really excited about it and I hope you will follow along.

I also know that there is no way I am going to be able to do all the things I want to do with the project without a lot of help. I will write more about this moving forward, but if you have any ideas, tips, or connections please reach out to me! I am so grateful for any help I can get with this project that I know is going to take a lot of effort and time to do right.

More updates to come soon! Be well everybody.

Nathan Gilmer

Husband. Dad. Photographer.


The Middle-American Dream vs. Reality